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CR2025 Button Coin Battery Cell Cycler DCIR Pulse Capacity Analyzer

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Neware Technology Limited

CR2025 Button Coin Battery Cell Cycler DCIR Pulse Capacity Analyzer

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Product Details

Neware CR2025 Button Coin Battery Cycle Life Tester DCIR Pulse Analyzer


1 . Testing with the uA current unit is more accurate and more convenient .


2 . The design of the uA current unit plays a vital role in the field of current accurate measurement , which is more convenient and more accurate .


3 . Sensitive galvanometer is used for students to check weak current or tiny voltage in DC circuit in the lab . It is a kind of high sensitive magnetoelectric instrument , which can measure the tiny current .


4 . This 8 Channels Coin Cell Analyzer 5V10mA provides most applications in battery testing fields such as electrode materials research, battery performance test , small - scale battery formation , capability grading , battery pack testing and etc .

20 set of mA Neware battery testers can be put in one rack


5 . CT-4000 Multi Range mA Battery Testing System , characterized with 0.05 percent of FS accuracy and down to uA capability , enables users to perform DCIR tests , dQ / dV and other basic tests on three - electrode system .


6 . It mainly focuses on battery research and development instituions and universities .


7 . Neware 5V10mA / 20mA / 50mA is born for coin cell test , formerly its 5V1mA this modle . Students and researchers in universities and institutes just love this product , its the real star on their mind .


8 . dQ / dV differential capacity curve , the peak on the curve indicates that there is a voltage plateau on the charge and discharge curve , and different peaks represent different electrochemical reactions .


9 . The lower range is able to output current low as 5uA , which can tell the subtle difference of various materials such electrodes , electrolyte , separator , etc .


10 . Generally , magnetoelectric galvanometer can achieve uA level , electromagnetic galvanometer can achieve mA level .


resolutionAD 16bit , DA 16bit
Input Power25W
Channel FeaturesConstant Current Source and Constant Voltage Source with Independent pairs of Closed - loop Structure
Channel Control ModeIndependent Control
VoltagePer Channel Voltage Range0V - 5V
Discharge Min Voltage0V
Accuracy0.05 percent of FS
Stability0.05 percent of FS
CurrentPer Channel Current RangeRange1 , 5uA – 1mA Range2 , 1mA – 5mA Range3 , 5mA – 10mA
Per Channel Current RangeRange1 , 5uA – 1mA Range2 , 1mA – 10mA Range3 , 10mA – 20mA
Per Channel Current RangeRange1 , 5uA – 1mA Range2 , 1mA – 25mA Range3 , 25mA – 50mA
Accuracy0.05 percent of FS
Stability0.05 percent of FS
PowerPer Channel Output Power0.25W
Stop currentRange 1 , 2uA Range 2 , 0.01mA Range 3 , 0.02mA
Stop currentRange 1 , 2uA Range 2 , 0.02mA Range 3 , 0.04mA
Stop currentRange 1 , 2uA Range 2 , 0.05mA Range 3 , 0.1mA
Stability0.1percent of FS
Data RecordingRecord ConditionMin Time - 100mS
Min Voltage - 10mV
Min Current - Range 1 , 2uA Range 2 , 0.01mA Range 3 , 0.02mA
Min Current - Range 1 , 2uA Range 2 , 0.02mA Range 3 , 0.04mA
Min Current - Range 1 , 2uA Range 2 , 0.05mA Range 3 , 0.1mA
Record Frequency10Hz
ChargeCharge ModeCCCharge , CVCharge , CCCVCharge , CPCharge
End ConditonVoltage , Current , Relative Time , Capacity , -deltaV
DischargeDischarge ModeCCD , CPD , CRD
End ConditionVoltage , Current , Relative Time , Capacity
PulsechargeCCC , CPC
DischargeCCD , CPD
Min Pulse Width500ms
Automated SwitchAutomated swith from charge to discharge for each pulse
End ConditionVoltage, Test Time
CycleLoop Measure Range65535 times
Max Steps Per Loop254
Nested LoopNested loop Function , Max Support 3 Layers
ProtectionSoftware ProtectionPower - down Data Protection
Off - line Testing Function
Setting Protection Condition,Setting Parameter - Low Voltage limit , Upper Voltage limit , Low Current limit , Upper Current limit , Delay Time
IP protection levelProtection level IP20
Voltage and Current Testing Sample4 - wire connecting
DatabaseMySQL Database
A Means of Communication of Upper MachineTCP / IP Protocol
Communication InterfaceEthernet Port
Per Unit Main Channels No.8
Dimensions3U , 480 – 404 - 130mm



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