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Product Overview



OLA-905G Linear Actuator for Door/ engine hood/ engine lid lifter
The solar product range has been designed with all challenges like limited end play, high precision, large holding forces due to wind loads etc. Our design criteria have been to design actuators with a lifetime of 20 years.
Model: OLA905G
Input Voltage:(VDC)12 or 24
Stroke Length(mm):50 to 1,000Load Capacity(N):Max 12,000Travel Speed(mm/s):6.5 to 38
Limit Switch:External and Adjustable
Duty Cycle :25%
(4 min continous moving)
IP Rating: IP66
Operating Temp.(℃)-40 to 65
Cable Length(mm):600
Signal Feedback:
Potentiometer or Hall Sensor
Right elevation
Left elevation
Front elevation
Max thrust
Max speed
6.5 to 38mm/s
Standard stroke
50 - 1000 mm
Protection class
Working Voltage
12V or 24VDC
Working temperature
-40℃ to +70℃
Duty Cycle
25%(4 min continous moving)
Signal Feedback
Potentiometer or Hall Sensor
Successful Project
Factory photos
Q1:What is a solar tracker ?
A1:A solar tracker is a device that tracks the sun as it moves on its path through the sky during the day, exposing your PV cells to an increased amount of sunlight and hence producing more electricity. This is because PV cells work best when they are directly facing the sun. The angle of the sun in the sky changes throughout the year as the tilt of the earth relative to the sun alters. In summer the sun is high in the sky and is also in the sky for longer as it travels through a longer arc length. In winter the sun is lower in the sky and is around for a shorter time as it travels through a shorter arc.
What types of solar trackers are there ?
Single-axis solar trackers follow the sun from sunrise to sunset as it moves in the sky through the day from east to west. They are called a single-axis trackers as the mechanism only rotates in one plane around a single axis. The axis can be oriented so that the cells stand up at a tilt (called a polar axis) or lie flat (called a horizontal axis). Horizontal axis’ are more suitable for small latitudes , whilst polar axis are more suitable for larger latitudes.
Dual-axis, or two-axis, trackers follow the sun completely. The two axes of rotation allow the tracker to position the solar cells directly perpendicular to the sun’s ray all the time. As they are able to adjust for the sun’s height as well east to west rotation dual-axis trackers fully adjust for seasons as well as adjusting to face the sun as it sits low in the horizon at sunrise and sunset, and high in the sky in the middle of the day.